hasta la vista

经典 发布时间:2016-03-02 14:03
[摘要]hasta la vista 释义=Goodbye 西班牙语,由于美国邻近墨西哥,故这句西班牙语在美国也有很多人讲 网络 再见;?后会有期 Nice to meet you, hasta la vista.见到你很高兴,直到香格里拉景色。 So why dont we say hasta la vista to the disk drive and finall
hasta la vista
释义=Goodbye 西班牙语,由于美国邻近墨西哥,故这句西班牙语在美国也有很多人讲
网络 再见;?后会有期
Nice to meet you, hasta la vista.见到你很高兴,直到香格里拉景色。
So why don't we say hasta la vista to the disk drive and finally move to something lighter, more robust, and less noisy?既然我们有了更轻,更强大,噪声更小的设备,那么我们为什么还不对光盘驱动器说再见呢?
hasta la vista 怎么发音?
是西班牙语啦,‘再会’的意思。提示:施瓦辛格/Hasta la vista,baby.
    Translated from the Spanish - 'see you later'. (西班牙语:再会的意思)
  This phrase has of course been in everyday use in Spanish-speaking countries for some time. It came to the attention of the English-speaking world via the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day, which was written by James Cameron and William Wisher Jr.
  The phrase 'hasta la vista, baby' features in an exchange between the film's characters John Connor (Edward Furlong) and 'The Terminator' (Arnold Schwarzenegger):
  John Connor: No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to the way people talk. You don't say "affirmative," or some shit like that. You say "no problemo." And if someone comes on to you with an attitude you say "eat me." And if you want to shine them on it's "hasta la vista, baby."
  The Terminator: Hasta la vista, baby.
  John Connor: Yeah but later, dickwad. And if someone gets upset you say, "chill out"! Or you can do combinations.
  The Terminator: Chill out, dickwad.
  John Connor: Great! See, you're getting it!
  The Terminator: No problemo.
  It is sometimes misspelled as 'asta la vista'



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