
英文 发布时间:2021-05-28 06:15
Youngest sister:
I'm very angry to hear that you don't want to continue reading. As my brother, I know how important reading is. So I feel very sad when you have the idea of not wanting to read. I just want to tell you that no matter what, you must listen to my brother and go to at least one university. Otherwise, you are sorry for my brother.
Before, my brother wanted to read, but I had to leave school to make a living. Over the years, I finally realized how hard it is to live in this world without culture. So I always asked you to read well, because I didn't want you to live the same life with me in the future, and lived in despair with me. Life.
Of course, I know what you think. You're afraid that you'll affect me, and you want to share some of the burden of life for me. But you need to know, what is my purpose of making money outside? That is to let you live the best life and send you to the university gate. So in my heart, no matter how hard I am, I hope you can study hard, instead of entering the society when you are so young.
For our family, since I made money outside, life can go on; because only you can spend a little money except mom, so my salary is enough for you to go to school; you don't have any burden, you don't have any other ideas; if you don't study hard, you're sorry for my brother and me; what you can share for me is to read well Book, take an examination of a good university, this is my reward.
If you don't read now, for me, these years of my efforts, there is no point! Because in my heart, as long as I see you enter the University, it's the happiest time for me; in the future life, no matter what, you must listen to my brother's words; in this world, except for my mother, my brother is your closest person, and my brother will not harm you.
My life, I think this life can only live a hard life, and your life, I really don't want you to live my life; my life, I can't change, but I hope, I use my hands to change your life; so no matter how tired, no matter how tired I am, I will train you to be an adult; if you don't listen to me, quietly enter the society, then I will I won't talk to you.
As a child, you are a obedient child. I believe that this time, you must also be a obedient child. You must believe what I say, not to mention any burden. In this family, just our brothers and sisters, we must live by each other. I believe that as long as you listen to me, you will have a different future.
Little sister, come on! Don't think too much, you must remember my brother's words in your heart; in this life, if you can't go to university, you will be sorry for me; so no matter what, you must study hard, and don't miss the beautiful youth; if you succeed, I will be happy as well as the best reward for me.

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