try to do

经典 发布时间:2016-03-02 14:11
[摘要]try to do 英[trai tu: du:]美[tra tu du] 释义 试着做某事;?尽力做某事 网络 努力 企图做某事;?试手;?试图做某事 What I try to do in putting these pictures up here is to show how varied children are in solving the problem.我把这些
try to do
英[trai tu: du:]美[tra tu du]
释义 试着做某事;?尽力做某事
网络 努力 企图做某事;?试手;?试图做某事
What I try to do in putting these pictures up here is to show how varied children are in solving the problem.我把这些图片挂在这儿的目的是想展示一下孩子们解决这个问题的方法是多么千差万别。
EXAMPLE: If we prioritize our goals each day we will accomplish more than if we try to do everything at once.如果我们能按照轻重缓急确定各项目标,我们的收获将比同时手做所有事情更大。
Next year I'll try to do better with my English. I'll practice more and speak more.明年我要在英语上做得好一些,我要多练习、多讲英语。
Every day is an opportunity to get better, but do not try to do too much at once.每天都是一个变好的机会,但是不要试图一次做太多。
Well, I understand how you feel. We 'll try to do our best to help you.嗯,我明白您的感受,我们会尽力帮助您的。
You'll have a lot fewer moments of,“ Now what did this clever fellow try to do here?”您不再像以前那样总是猜测“这个聪明的家伙在这里究竟想干些什么?”
And, don` t you dare try to do the same, we simply have no tolerance for it.而你却不敢做这样的事,我们也不能容忍这样的事情发生。
Mr Han says he will try to do more in 2012 himself, as a writer, but within limits.韩寒称,作为作家,自己将在2012年多做些事情,不过都会适可而止。
It's a complete time waster. Bottom line: Don't try to do two simple tasks at once.底线是:不要试着一次去完成两项简单的任务。
Many saying they'll try to do both.许多人表示争取两个节都过。
推荐阅读try to do 和  try doing的区别:
try to do;try doing
try to do意思是“努力去做某事”“尽力干……”,表示想尽一切办法要把事情办成; 
try doing意思是“尝试着干某事”“试着(用什么方法)去做某事”,表示一种试着、做做看的做法。试比较: 
I'm trying to learn English well. 我决心(尽力)学好英语。 
I tried knocking at the back door, but nobody answered. 我试着敲了敲后门,但没人回答。 



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