
经典 发布时间:2016-03-02 13:46
[摘要]保质期英文保质期[bǎo zh qī] 释义quality guarantee period 网络Expiry date;?guarantee period;?shelf (storage) life,guarantee period 产品的保质期是指产品的最佳食用期。产品的保质期由生产者提供,标注在限时使用的产品上。在保质期内,产品的生产企业对该产
保质期[bǎo zhì qī]
释义quality guarantee period
网络Expiry date;?guarantee period;?shelf (storage) life,guarantee period
棕榈油品质对饼干保质期的影响Effects of palm oil quality on shelf life of biscuit Provided by gtcom
无论你买哪一个,都有两年的保质期。Whichever you buy, there is a two-year guarantee.
本产品请在有效保质期内使用。Please use this product in the effective shelf-life period.danci.
破损和保质期一直是我们不断要面临的挑战。A. Breakage and shelf life is a constant challenge.
空盒气压表的滞后现象鲜奶蛋糕,不宜久藏,请注意盒底保质期。Fresh cream cakes can't Be kept for a long time. Please note the quality guarantee period indicated on the Bottom of the Box.
仙人掌提取液对月饼保质期的影响Effect of cactus extraction materials on moon-cake's shelf lifeProvided by gtcom
本机适用于各类瓶、罐、杯、盒包装上打印出厂日期、保质期、批号等,喷码速度快、字体美观清晰。The machine is applied to print discharge date, shelf life, lot number with fast and beautiful printing.
很抱歉先生,你的保质期过了,我无能为力。I'm sorry, sir, but your warranty has run out, there's nothing I can do.
重点解决了低糖果酱产品保质期及易褐变问题。The development solves the problem of the short time of preserve and brown change of the low sugar jam.
标识及样品:一般以产品批号、生产日期、保质期等标识产品。In6, mark and sample: general to product batch number, production date, shelf life identification products.



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